Canyonlands- The Needles & Island in the Sky

I like to think of myself as a National Park Geek. I enjoy visiting parks nearby whenever I have the chance and primarily go with a close fellow photographer. Recently we set out to go to the Canyonlands, which we discovered were only 6 hours away! Quite good news since Utah is surrounded with stunning landscapes. 

During our road trip we encountered a wonderful moment of light! After a little bit of rain, the light was quite soft on Chimney Rock, as seen in the first image.

At the southern-most entrance we camped at Elephant Hill in The Needles District. We decided to do the long and challenging hike to Druid Arch, since the info sign described it as having the "most stunning views." After getting lost only twice, and with the help of fellow hikers, we finally reached our destination. The hike did have amazing views, just as the sign suggested. 

The next day we entered through Island in the Sky. This part of the park is quite popular, offering a number of viewpoints that are easily accessible for anyone in the family. There are also many ranger talks that add more value to your visit in understanding the history of the park and how it came to be place where visitors can know about and explore personally. 

Canyonlands National Park is definitely worth exploring again. There are two more districts I was unable to visit, but I hope that one day I will be able to! Until then, I have these wonderful nuggets to remember.

Chimney Rock en route to the Canyonlands

View of The Needles at Elephant Hill

Druid Arch

View of the Needles at Elephant Hill

View of La Sal Mountains from Island in Sky entrance